- stacomiR::coef_durifSilvering index coefficients from Caroline Durif (2009) to predict silvering stage from morphological parameters
- stacomiR::r_annAnnual migration of yellow and silver eel for three fishways / counting devices at the Arzal dam (data from 1995 to 2016)
- stacomiR::r_ann_adourAnnual migration of salmon in the Adour and tributaries
- stacomiR::r_dcCounting Device (DC) operation from 2000 to 2015 at the Arzal dam (Vilaine, France)
- stacomiR::r_dfOverview of the fishway operation at Arzal in (Vilaine France).
- stacomiR::r_envAn object of class report_env with data loaded
- stacomiR::r_gewWet weight of glass eel from the trapping ladder (Arzal, Vilaine France)
- stacomiR::r_migVideo counting of Marine lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in 2012 in the Vilaine (France)
- stacomiR::r_mig_charQualitative and quantitative parameters describing Salmon migration at Decize (Loire)
- stacomiR::r_mig_dcCounting device operation for the video recording (Arzal dam, Vilaine, France).
- stacomiR::r_mig_dfFishway operation for the vertical slot fishway (Arzal dam, Vilaine, France).
- stacomiR::r_mig_envAn object of class report_mig_env with data loaded
- stacomiR::r_mig_interannualDaily glass eel and elver migration from 1984 to 2016 in the Sevre Niortaise
- stacomiR::r_mig_interannual_vichySeasonality of salmon migration at the Vichy counting station (Loire)
- stacomiR::r_mig_multAnguilla migration at the Arzal station (report_mig_mult-class)
- stacomiR::r_mig_mult_dcCounting device operation for three different counting device in Arzal (Vilaine, France)
- stacomiR::r_mig_mult_dfFishway operation at the Arzal Dam (Vilaine France) (3 Fishways in 2011)
- stacomiR::r_mig_mult_opeCounting operations for three different counting device in Arzal (Vilaine, France)
- stacomiR::r_mig_opeAn object of class report_ope-class with data loaded
- stacomiR::r_sample_charSize of yellow and glass eel at the Arzal dam (Vilaine, France) in the fishway and main eel trapping ladder.
- stacomiR::r_seaaAn object of class report_sea_age with data loaded
- stacomiR::r_silverSilver eel migration in the Somme